Wk13- Classmate Conversation- Valentina Ramirez- Elorza

I met Valentina Ramirez the week when we had to create a video for this class and it was nice to have her be part of it. This week I finally asked her to be my classmate for the conversation and she kindly said yes. Valentina Ramirez is a 22 years old senior at CSULB. She is a 4th years and will be graduating this semester. She is majoring in Sociology and Child Development. She is also obtaining a minor in Family Studies. After this semester she is planning on going to a police academy to become a police officer. Valentina choose California State University Long Beach because it was affordable and because she wanted to stay close to her family. Valentina is happily married, but she does not have have any kids yet. She has two dogs which she loves very much. In her spare time, she likes watching UFC and spending time with her family. It was awesome getting to know Valentina and I think others in the class should get to know her as well. IMG_1391

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